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Showing posts from July, 2017

Amazon Dash Button with Node-RED built-in nodes

I bought an Amazon Dash button for experimentation (July 2017, in the UK). The part number I received was JK29LP (with FCC ID 2AETK-1013) which apparently is revision 2 of the hardware. There is a teardown here . There are at least a couple of Node-RED nodes published but they both have dependencies which I wanted to avoid: node-red-contrib-mydash requires tcpdump node-red-contrib-amazondash requires libpcap There is also a description here of a ping method but I did wonder if I could do it an alternative way without using the ping (which has its own complications due to needing root permissions on certain systems). I configured the button using the Amazon app as far as the wireless SSID and password, and on a button press I could see the button appearing in my router Attached Devices table (DHCP address reservation). It only takes a short lease so it would appear and then disappear in the router table. This gave me a MAC address (and also an IP address but I would...